Lovely Reader comments from Sweden…


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Video: How Jews trick and cheat the RICH!
This is how Jews use forger‘s tactics on anyone ... even the Rich!

A reader wrote: Hello Jan. I want to say many things to you but first of all the most important. Thank You very much for all your hard work. I really enjoy your videos and I find them amusing, relaxing and of course educational. If not you touch on so many great topics, I go research them for myself. I’ve been aware of and learing about the jewish lies and deceptions for quite some years now. I already knew about the holohoax before I found you. I’ll drop you some more lines another day. Hope you are doing good and find time to read this. Thank you again from a friend from Sweden. Hail victory!

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Former Rhodesia: Mugabe rampage leaves 1.5 million Blacks homeless 30,000 arrested
When Black leaders do enormous things, Jews and Liberals never criticise them. The scale of what Mugabe did was incredible, but no Jew or Liberal ever screeched about it.

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