Liberal claptrap: STRUCTURAL RACISM IN AMERICA: Why Black, Indigenous and Other People of Color Experience Greater Harm During the Pandemic


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Video: More scientific proof that IQ is in hereditary - Jews lie for their Survival
I look at recent scientific evidence to see what scientists know about IQ. The Liberals/Jews and other scum like to pretend that IQ is NOT hereditary. They try by any means to misdirect whites away from this direction. But what does Science say exactly? Scientists have suspected for long that IQ is mainly hereditary. But if you believe things are hereditary, then you‘re heading down the path of ‘Scientific Racism‘ which is something Liberal/Jews do NOT like!

I was browsing an article, apparently from a scientific organisation about why black people in America suffer more from COVID, blah blah blah…

I saw things like… "STRUCTURAL RACISM". (i.e. White control, white dominance, white rule…) IS A SOCIETAL PROBLEM IN THE USA… it must be dealt with … blah blah blah.

But what about the blacks in Africa?

Every argument AGAINST whites in the USA and Europe can (and should) be countered by looking at us here in Africa where whites are a tiny minority and there is black majority rule.

Whenever you do that you will find that all the arguments made against whites in the USA are BOGUS, and TOTALLY FLAWED and do not even deserve one second’s worth of assessment.

I get so irritated by such arrant nonsense.

These academics, are busy with their own politics. They are weak, treasonous scum I tell you.

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