JEWS AT WORK: PDF: Bitchute is working with ANTIFA – Jews and Leftists at work…


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Lots of Photos: NAZI Gassings!!
This is a link to the Wayback Machine where you can see a wonderful old website with mountains of photos and articles about the enormous Jewish hoax of the holocaust. NAZIGASSINGS was a wonderful little website in it‘s day. You can still see many photos and stories on this page.

[A reader sent me this PDF. These were my comments to them. This organisation of hope-not-hate – I'm sure this is a Jewish organisation. Jews are destroying Bitchute, and from what I can see, Bitchute is in free fall. It's collapsing. It does not seem to be allowing big video uploads any more. I think they have got financial problems. That's my guess.  Jan]

This is part of what I wrote to him:
I have seen that bitchute is collapsing. the Jews have clearly nailed them with legal stuff.

In time we need to build more of our own platforms….

But I use everything others create for as long as they function.

Whites will have NO CHOICE but to BUILD and DEFEND EVERYTHING! Physical stuff and software stuff. The enemies will NEVER leave us alone.

Here is the pdf:

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Video: General Von Manstein: Advice on HOPELESS sitations for Nations
Many Whites have told me that our situation is hopeless in all our nations including here in S.Africa. In this video I take a look at brilliant White men who lived through the hell of war and what they thought about hopeless and desperate situations. What did these men think who had spent years of their lives handling desperate, dangerous and hopeless situations.

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