JEWS AT WORK? Did you notice the American fashion of White women with thick lips?


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Video & Audio: Israeli Snipers were killing American Soldiers in Iraq
This is an extremely nasty story which I suspect has been totally covered up by the Mass Media. It appears this was well known to American soldiers and officers who fought in Iraq after 911. This story is probably classified.It is about (IDF) Israeli Defence Force snipers engaging in false-flag operations and killing American troops.

Have any of you noticed the weird fashion in America, and primarily in America of White women with thick lips?

Where do you think it came from? I’ll bet you Jews were doing this so that Whites would look more like BLACKS!!!

Look carefully at the fashions in America and across the West and how Whites came to be dressed like Blacks.

I’ll bet Jews are behind ALL of it.

It’s unnatural.

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Former Rhodesia: Mugabe rampage leaves 1.5 million Blacks homeless 30,000 arrested
When Black leaders do enormous things, Jews and Liberals never criticise them. The scale of what Mugabe did was incredible, but no Jew or Liberal ever screeched about it.

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