IMPORTANT: Video on Telegram disappeared: Lt. Gov Mack Miller (NV) assaulted by Police and thrown out of Clark County Commissioners Meeting


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[Here's a request by the ever astute Frederick Blackburn! If anyone can find the video… Jan]

Has anyone heard anything about a Nevada Elected Official (Lt. Governor?) being dragged out of a meeting by police? Someone posted the video and it got deleted right after I watched it. – Bb9

When the two policemen pushed him through a security scanner, the scanner fell over on him and it looked like he hit his head on the hard floor . . . and he did NOT get up . . . it looked like they hurt him pretty badly . .. Two black cops and he was black . . . Totally bizarre – Bb9

"BREAKING: Lt. Gov Mack Miller (NV) assaulted by Police and thrown out of Clark County Commissioners Meeting"

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