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Video: Economic War: White Labour Vs Jewish Capital
In this video I discuss the economic fight and how Whites can save themselves.

[Lovely stuff from Reverend Matt Hale who is in jail for no reason at all … set up by Jews and now he's sitting there for 40 years. This is what he has to say to white folks! I wish we could do more for Matt than just sitting here and talking, but white folks need to get rolling and get ANGRY and get AGGRESSIVE and we must begin to FIGHT FOR WHAT WE WANT! Jan]

The Theme for this month is HEROISM, particularly the heroism of those who fought Soviet Communism on the

Eastern Front during the Second World War.

October Book of the Month: The Eastern Front by Leon Degrelle (order from

October Music of the Month: Symphony No. 3 in E-flat Major ("Eroica") ("The Heroic") by Ludwig van Beethoven

October Movie of the Month: Cross of Iron (1977) (starring James Mason, James Coburn, Maximilian Schell)

When people ask me where I get my strength from, it is because, in part, I realize that there are men who have endured far, far more than me. They too have suffered for a great and noble cause, undergoing privations which we of our current bourgeois society can scarcely imagine. Please therefore join me in partaking especially in this saga by Leon Degrelle. You will hear the gunfire, feel the cold, pain, and torture of the participants, and come out of it a more thoughtful and deep human being. You will understand, most importantly of all, that you yourself are capable of much, much more sacrifice and achievement than you presently realize, and that if the cause for our
people’s future is losing today. it is because it has yet to truly fight. It is to be hoped that men like Leon Degrelle still exist and that they may be found and soon. Matt Hale


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Video: How the Church betrayed the Boers and is directly responsible for the White Genocide
This is an absolutely brilliant video that was made in 2017. The Boers were TOTAL believers in the Bible and in Christianity. It had kept them going through the hardships of life in Africa.

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