Humor: American Political Joke: Pinocchio, Snow White and Superman…

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Video: Decapitation: How the Boers dealt with violent crowds of Blacks
A young Boer I knew, Gilbert, told me of the time in the early 1990s when he served in the South African Army and was stationed in the townships. He described the tactics the Boers used to smash violent black crowds with a minimum loss of life.

[This is good. Jan]

Pinocchio, Snow White and Superman are out for a stroll in town one day.

As they walk, they come across a sign: "Beauty contest for the most beautiful woman in the world ”

I am entering" said Snow White.

After half an hour she comes out and they ask her, "Well, how did you do? ”

"First Place" said Snow White.

They continue walking and they see a sign: "Contest for the strongest man in the world. ”

"I’m entering" says Superman.

After half an hour he returns and they ask him, "How did you make out? ”

“First Place" answers Superman. "Did you ever doubt?”

They continue walking when they see a sign: "Contest! Who is the greatest liar in the world?

Pinocchio says "This is mine. ”

Half an hour later, he returns with tears in his eyes.

"What happened?" they asked

“Who the hell is Adam Schiff?”

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Video & Audio: After Black Revolution, Comes WHITE REVOLUTION!
In this video I discuss Black Revolution. We look at Black Revolution in America and Africa and the role of the Jews as well as that brave American hero, George Lincoln Rockwell, who gave his life trying to save White Americans and trying to save Whites everywhere.Rockwell once made a prediction that After Black Revolution there will be a WHITE REVOLUTION.

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