Happy Klassen Day, 50 AC (2024 old year)!!!


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Video: TOP SECRET: The Jew who killed S.Africas Prime Minister Dr Hendrik Verwoerd
This is the GREATEST POLITICAL SECRET in South African history. This is the never before told story of the Jewish machinations behind the assassination of Dr Hendrik Verwoerd. This has been a secret for decades. Jews have made every attempt to hide this bombshell.

[From Branden. And yes, Ben Klassen was awesome. Hail Victory! Jan]

Hi Supporters of Matt Hale,

I hope that you all are celebrating the 106th birthday of the Great
Founder of the religion of Creativity, Ben Klassen. I’m having a rare
slice of cake in his honor. Hail Ben Klassen!

Branden Hall

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Get a Free PDF Book: White Power (1967) by George Lincoln Rockwell
This is the original book written by the late, great George Lincoln Rockwell, the US Navy Pilot who founded the American NAZI Party.Rockwell was the most determined White American who lived in modern times. He was patriotic to America and totally patriotic to the White Race. He supported Apartheid South Africa and Rhodesia. The Jews sent snipers to kill him and on the 2nd attempt they killed him.

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