EXCELLENT: Montana BANS the state’s first transgender lawmaker!


Jan‘s Advertisement
2005: S.Africa: Soweto: Did Black school boys keep dogs for sex?
This was a Mass Media news story about 4 Black boys who kept 12 dogs for sex. In this article you‘ll also see Blacks having sex with goats and sheep.

[This seems to have been for just one session. I don't think this is permanent. But Whites will need to HARDEN themselves against all this Jewish and Liberal nonsense. Whites will have no choice but to "Be NAZIS" and "Be RACISTS". The Jews and their Liberal scum will never stop. Jan]

Here’s the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ga4e3YUs31Y

Jan‘s Advertisement
2005: S.Africa: Soweto: Did Black school boys keep dogs for sex?
This was a Mass Media news story about 4 Black boys who kept 12 dogs for sex. In this article you‘ll also see Blacks having sex with goats and sheep.

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