Dr. Mercola deletes all articles about Vitamin D, zinc and covid after being personally threatened


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Im very pleased to be giving away this old classic, which is designed only for white people and it includes commandments for the White Race!NB: This is NOT normal religious spiritual stuff. This is based on NATURE, REALITY, HISTORY and SCIENCE.NB: NB: Ben Klassen was a very far thinking White man who was concerned for our race. The Church of Creativity was his creation. The Church of Creativity existed in America, Britain and even in South Africa. In South Africa it existed in the early 1990s and was run by a Professor. The concept of Whites as CREATORS is very import. CREATORS say: ‘Our Race is our Religion‘.

[This is quite freaky. And Vitamin D & Vitamin C are CRITICALLY important for your health. We are in a WAR on ALL FRONTS! Jan]

For the past year, Dr. Joseph Mercola has been teaching his followers how to naturally support their immune systems with vitamin D, zinc and other natural remedies that have been medically proven to optimize wellbeing. He has received so much backlash from the establishment, however, that Dr. Mercola has now decided to delete all associated articles about these protocols for his own protection.

In an announcement, Dr. Mercola explained that one of the last straws was when a Bill Gates-funded “doctor” called on terrorists to personally attack Dr. Mercola for countering the pro-vaccine agenda of Gates and other medical fascists who have raked in obscene profits over the past year pushing masks, jabs and small business closures.

Peter Hotez, president of the Gates-linked Sabin Vaccine Institute, recently put out a report called “Meeting the Challenge of Vaccine Hesitancy” that contains a call-to-action for “cyberwarfare experts” to wage war on people like Dr. Mercola who are teaching people to protect their health naturally and cheaply through nature, rather than unnaturally and expensively through Big Pharma.

“Accurate, targeted counter-messaging from the global health community is important but insufficient, as is public pressure on social-media companies,” Hotez laments in the piece.

“The United Nations and the highest levels of government must take direct, even confrontational, approaches with Russia, and move to dismantle anti-vaccine groups in the United States.”

Hotez’s remark about Russia just goes to show that the vaccine-loving left is still obsessed with the ongoing Russiagate conspiracy theory, which was debunked more than four years ago as manufactured fake news stemming from two-time failed presidential wannabe Hillary Clinton.

Hotez goes on to call for the establishment of a “high-level inter-agency task force reporting to the U.N. secretary-general” that would be used to “assess the full impact of anti-vaccine aggression, and propose tough, balanced measures.”

Such experts should be well-versed in how to tackle “complex global threats such as terrorism, cyber attacks and nuclear armament, because anti-science is now approaching similar levels of peril,” Hotez writes.

“It is becoming increasingly clear that advancing immunization requires a counteroffensive.”

Cyberterrorists target Dr. Mercola’s website, threatening to destroy him
Such hysterical fearmongering and radical extremism are nothing new for the medical deep state. What is new is calling on bomb diffusers and counter-terrorists to take up the fight against freedom-loving Americans who object to permanently altering their DNA with the experimental gene therapy injections that they are calling Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) vaccines.

Consequently, Dr. Mercola has already been deplatformed from all the major social media networks. His website was also targeted by left-wing cyberterrorists who launched numerous attacks in an effort to silence him and run his operation straight into the ground.

Despite all this, Dr. Mercola has refused to succumb to these governmental and pharmaceutical thugs and is willing to defend himself in court, if necessary. What he says he cannot endure any longer is the growing threat to both himself and his family, which he says he has “limited ability to defend” against.

“If you can imagine what billionaires and their front groups are capable of, I can assure you they have been creative in deploying their assets to have this content removed,” he writes.

“It is with a heavy heart that I purge my website of valuable information … They’ve moved past censorship. Just what do you call people who advocate counteroffensive attacks by terrorism and cyberwarfare experts? You’d think we could have a debate and be protected under free speech but, no, we’re not allowed. These lunatics are dangerously unhinged.”

Take the time to read Dr. Mercola’s full statement at this link (you will need to enter an email address to access the article).

Sources for this article include:



Source: https://www.newstarget.com/2021-05-04-mercola-threatened-deletes-articles-vitamind-zinc-covid.html

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This book includes photos and shows the horrors and incompetance and assorted foolishness that took place in South Africa when the ANC obtained farms from Whites through the Land Claims process. Nothing like this has been written since. It is a classic text on wastage and inefficiency.

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