Disney’s News Outlet Admits It Edited RFK Interview After What He Said About the Vaccine


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[There is a video at the source link below. Jan]

Far-left, Disney-owned ABC News censored comments Democratic presidential candidate Robert Kennedy Jr. made Thursday about COVID vaccines and vaccines in general.

The disinformation network’s executives decided they did not like Kennedy’s opinions on the topic, so viewers were and are prevented from hearing them.

In an interview with ABC’s Linsey Davis, Kennedy ripped his party to shreds over a number of issues that he said led him to run for office, including wars and censorship.

He even bluntly stated, “I don’t trust authority.”

The conversation really contrasts Kennedy with President Joe Biden, who has embraced authoritarianism at every turn, and whom Kennedy hopes to unseat in the Democratic primary.

Kennedy currently has the support of roughly 20 percent of Democratic voters, ABC reported.

But the network whose parent company is so often friendly with the anti-free speech Chinese Communist Party ended the interview with a fitting disclaimer from Davis: Kennedy was censored.

“We should note that during our conversation, Kennedy made false claims about the COVID-19 vaccines,” Davis said as she addressed the camera. “Data shows that the COVID-19 vaccine has prevented millions of hospitalizations and deaths from the disease.

“He also made misleading claims about the relationship between vaccination and autism,” Davis said, concluding that there is no link between vaccines and autism.

“We’ve used our editorial judgment in not including extended portions of that exchange in our interview.”

It is beyond ironic that the censorship of Kennedy by far-left Disney came during an interview in which he complained about far-left censorship.

Had ABC News left well enough alone and allowed a presidential candidate to simply speak his mind, people could have decided for themselves whether they agree with him or not. That might have helped some voters as they consider whether or not to support RFK’s White House bid.

Instead, the network silenced him, validating one of his chief complaints about Democrats.

The saga couldn’t be more spot-on if it had been scripted.

Source: https://www.westernjournal.com/disneys-news-outlet-admits-edited-rfk-interview-said-vaccine/

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