Books Patents For Hitler (1945)


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Patents For Hitler (1945) by Reimann Guenter

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Reimann expert on finance and currencies as founder & editor of International Reports, a New York-based weekly publication he sold to the London Financial Times in 1983. Prior to World War II, he was a member of the Communist Party of Germany and at the forefront of the underground resistance to Adolf Hitler within Nazi Germany. Assumed the position of economics editor for the communist newspaper, Die Rote Fahne, taking on the pen-name of Günter Reimann.

After the Reichstag fire in February 1933, Reimann went underground to oppose the new National Socialist regime under the resistance movement of the German social democrats and communists. He fled Germany in 1934, first to France, and then London, as the Gestapo continued zeroing in on his location, finally raiding his house and arresting Hu Lanqi, who later achieved the status as the first female general of the National Revolutionary Army.

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