An Australian tells me he believed the lies about Whites in South Africa … and then…


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[This is from a discussion I had with an Australian. Jan]

He wrote:
I am an Australian who worked in Africa from 2015 to 2020 and spent some time in South Africa. Until then, I was brainwashed by the MSM in regards to SA. I saw first hand the destruction the ANC has imposed on the people of SA and was awoken to the West’s lies and propaganda. My red pill moment. I am passionate about the truth …

I replied:

It’s awesome hearing from someone in Australia!! How is it going there with all those rotten South African Jew scum who left here and went there? In the 1990s quite a lot of the Jew scum from here were heading there. I knew one of them. They’re probably busy stuffing up your wonderful country and guilt-tripping all of you!!

I really enjoyed your story about how you were red pilled by coming here!!! I am so pleased to see that Liberalism and Globalist does indeed result in Whites being unexpectedly red pilled!!! Now you know we’re not making this shit up.

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Video: More scientific proof that IQ is in hereditary - Jews lie for their Survival
I look at recent scientific evidence to see what scientists know about IQ. The Liberals/Jews and other scum like to pretend that IQ is NOT hereditary. They try by any means to misdirect whites away from this direction. But what does Science say exactly? Scientists have suspected for long that IQ is mainly hereditary. But if you believe things are hereditary, then you‘re heading down the path of ‘Scientific Racism‘ which is something Liberal/Jews do NOT like!

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