7 Pics: Science: EXCELLENT: Different Animal species but only one Human Race?


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Video & Audio: Israeli Snipers were killing American Soldiers in Iraq
This is an extremely nasty story which I suspect has been totally covered up by the Mass Media. It appears this was well known to American soldiers and officers who fought in Iraq after 911. This story is probably classified.It is about (IDF) Israeli Defence Force snipers engaging in false-flag operations and killing American troops.

[Here are some excellent memes drawn up by others which reflect scientific truths. Why is it that when it comes to humans all kinds of science – e.g. genetics and eugenics suddenly does NOT apply? Race is, scientifically, sub-species. Here are some excellent memes which make the point. The most detailed explanation is in the 2nd last one below. Just excellent stuff. RACE IS REAL. In fact, it might be more than race. It might be species! Jan]

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2006: S.Africa: Shocker: 300,000 died from AIDS last year
Blacks in Africa hate talking about AIDS and they hide it. This was a good news report I managed to find years ago. Nowadays, you don‘t see anything like this being published.

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