S.Africa: Violence ramps up massively after President Zuma’s arrest

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Since former President Zuma’s arrest, the violence has ramped up massively and even spread to Johannesburg, specifically to Hillbrow, which is actually not far from where I live. Hillbrow is about 13 Km from where I live. I heard quite a few sirens today which sounded a lot worse than normal. But I’ll go out later on Monday to a vantage point near where I live to see if I see anything in the Hillbrow area.

The Communists and the Black "War Veterans" are probably behind this. They will no doubt cause as much harm to the economy as possible in order to get the Government to bend.

Personally, I don’t care. This is Black on Black political infighting between the Zuma faction and the Jewish Ramaphosa faction.

The stress between the two sides is increasing.

But it will show Whites yet again, the harm that can come to them from this Black political nonsense.

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