Audio: Jewish UK: Police arrest & interrogation of Graham Hart over the Song: Hoax Train
Date Posted: 2019-07-23

#TeamWhite 2019 #2: Creating a White Liberation Army - German hero kills treasonous politician!
Date Posted: 2019-06-21

Audio: #TeamWhite 2019#01 - Jan in USA & Where is Alex Linder now? - Jews, Banks, Credit Cards hit Whites!
Date Posted: 2019-06-09

Audio: Jan & Paul Fromm in Canada - 50 Years of Race War in southern Africa
Date Posted: 2019-05-11

Audio: On the Jews and their Lies by the Founder of Christian Protestantism: Martin Luther
Date Posted: 2019-02-26

Audio: The US Civil War Part 1: Jews & Freemasons
Date Posted: 2019-02-26

Audio: Did Jewish Communism really collapse in 1989? - S.Africa, Bulgaria, Hungary, Russia
Date Posted: 2019-02-26

Audio: S.Africa: Should Whites go to WAR over Land Seizure without Compensation?
Date Posted: 2019-02-26

Video: Blacks and Jews sing about Killing Whites
Date Posted: 2019-02-25

Audio: South Africa's latest MASSIVE collapses: Blacks blame the Japanese - Military Intelligence Analysis
Date Posted: 2019-02-20

Audio: Very Important: For Whites: Top Military Intelligence Analysis for South Africa (2019)
Date Posted: 2019-02-17

Audio: Monika Schaefer & Jan: The importance of teaching Whites, Germans & Boers
Date Posted: 2019-02-16

Audio: Is Christianity Buddhism for the West? - Sanskrit texts in the New Testament
Date Posted: 2019-02-10

Video: Why is there so much controversy around the Jews?
Date Posted: 2019-02-09

Video: Something hillarious happened in Germany recently
Date Posted: 2019-02-09

Video: History Reviewed Radio Show S01EP02: S.Africa: Land Reform & Farm murders
Date Posted: 2019-02-09

Audio: SMASH THE JEWS: Christian founder of Protestantism: On Jews & their lies
Date Posted: 2019-01-08

Audio: 2 Boers & a Global Panel of Whites discuss White Racial issues for 2019
Date Posted: 2019-01-08

Video: Afrikaner Resistance Movement: Speech by AWB Leader Steyn von Ronge
Date Posted: 2019-01-07

Video: Secret Wars & Low White Morale
Date Posted: 2019-01-07

Video: How Alex and Jan woke up to the Jewish threat
Date Posted: 2019-01-07

Video: Important: WAR between the Super Rich scum vs Zuma & the ANC
Date Posted: 2019-01-07

Video: Why the Whites Lost: Rhodesian War: Portuguese collapse - White hating Britain & USA
Date Posted: 2019-01-07

Audio: Volunteers Wanted - My Plans, Needs, Goals & Motivations
Date Posted: 2018-12-31

Video: Whites! If this symbol offends you, then YOU need a history lesson!
Date Posted: 2018-12-31

Audio: Dennis Fetcho & Jan: Current Emergencies in SA: Electricity chaos & Land Seizures - 2018 Year End
Date Posted: 2018-12-29

Video: The Xmas I kicked the Jews out
Date Posted: 2018-12-25

Video & Audio: Germany's EVIL Jewish Legal system: Secret paid infiltrators & Classified Secrets for 120 Years!
Date Posted: 2018-12-24

Video & Audio: #TeamWhite: Very Bad news for Whites in: S.Africa, Germany, Canada & USA - with Monika Schaefer
Date Posted: 2018-12-24

Video: Xmas in Zimbabwe
Date Posted: 2018-12-24