Video: The world’s biggest Computer Outage is under way – MICROSOFT ERROR at the heart of it…


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Pic: AWESOME MEME: 1934 Machine Guns When White Society was responsible Gun Laws
Whites have never been babies. We do many dangerous things without even thinking about it. In 1934, even a child could order a machinegun by mail order. There were zero school shootings back then.

[Many IT people who don't like windows will be chuckling at this. This cannot be good for Bill Gates. It is affecting serious systems across the world in all kinds of industries including airlines. Jan]

Here’s the video:

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Video & Audio: Zimbabwe: After the Blacks destroyed the Whites they had a Secret Famine
This video is filled with lots of hideous, weird and creepy things relating to Blacks. In this video we look at some of the nasty things Blacks did to Whites in Zimbabwe.

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