Video: Mass Murderer & Paedophile Protector and British Communist Tony Blair Is Calling Us All IDIOTS Now – My Comments


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Video: Hamas attack on Israel: Is this a Life or Death fight for the existence of Israel?
Some South African supporters of Loving Life asked for my opinion of this war in Israel and what it could lead to. This is my analysis of the Middle East and what I think about this war between Israel and Hamas. I also look at the Syrian Civil war and we take a look at ALL the Arab/Muslim nations from Egypt to Iran and what threats they might pose to Israel. I also discuss American and Russian military power in the region. Can the region go nuclear? I go into quite a lot of political and military analysis of this conflict.

[Tony Blair is a bag of shit, to put it politely. This is the Bill Clinton of Britain. This was a filthy, filthy, dirty, filthy, piece of shit. He did so many things to Britain, this anti-White bag of crap. And the British don't seem to have realized a thing. Like the Clintons, when Tony Blair was young, he was an actual communist, and chances are he's always been one, just like that idiotic woman who rules New Zealand. She's a communist too. Tony Blair is the nastiest bag of shit to come out of dumb Britain since the fiend Churchill. Listen to this wise ass punk telling people what to do. The bag of shit. Jan]

Here’s the video:

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White Shop: Poster of Hitler at a victory parade review
A colour photograph of Hitler taking part in a victory parade review. Reproduced on 100z vinyl so suitable for use outdoors as well as indoors.

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