UK: Jews tell Whites: Shut up you are White British! – What happened to Alison Chabloz?
VIDEO: BIG RUSSIAN LIES: How many Russians have died in the Ukraine war?
Putin and the Russian Government tell insane lies about how many Russian troops have died. In this comprehensive article and this short BBC video you will see the best estimates I can give based on all the data I have seen about how many Russian and Ukrainian Troops have actually been KILLED up to 16th June 2023.
[In my search for Alison Chabloz, someone in the UK sent me this. I was not aware that she had put out a song about a gag order earlier this year. I think Alex and I did a show with her about a month after this song was put on youtube. Her silence also suggests to me that the LAW has somehow got hold of her. Hopefully she is out of jail and just GAGGED. It would truly be dreadful if she was still in jail. But maybe it's more likely that she was gagged. How long she'll be gagged for, and whether it's permanent I don't know. This is what the Jewish filth want. When I wrote the title of this post, I was thinking of a British Comedy, one of my favourites, from the 1970s, which was called: "No Sex, We're British!" It is probably one of my all time favourite comedy's from Britain. My all time favourite is the series called Fawlty Towers. Jews are scum, and it's not the Whites who should be in jail. Like Alfred Schaefer, or Monika Schaefer or Alison Chabloz. They've never committed a real crime. They go to jail because they're White. The Jews are the ones who should be in jail for all their corruption, conflict of interest, and the many naughty, evil things they get up to. Jan]
This is what someone from the UK sent me:
She’s had a gag order put on her before, part of her bail conditions. Perhaps that is it.
PS Her song song about the gag order:
White Shop: 20 x Stickers: Close the Border
These are Glossy, high quality stickers. 3 inches by 5 inches. Pack of 20 stickers.