Jews Were Very Active in Founding the American Colonies, the Slave Trade, Fomenting Revolution – Surprising History
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White Shop
I‘ve fixed the shop. This is my little online shop that I set up in 2019 as an experiment. I‘ve revived it and will be adding new products weekly.
White Shop
I‘ve fixed the shop. This is my little online shop that I set up in 2019 as an experiment. I‘ve revived it and will be adding new products weekly.
This is an excerpt from a longer article on Mr. Jackson’s excellent site entitled: Who Are the Jews? Mr. Jackson’s site is called We Thought They Were White. It documents the long and rich history of Jews abusing and maltreating Black Americans going back to the 1600s and the start of the slave trade.
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S.Africa: Black Man arrested for sex with uncle‘s goat
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S.Africa: Black Man arrested for sex with uncle‘s goat
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