Zimbabwe: Cops hunting for a Black man who had sex with his neighbours Donkey!
If you think we whites have problems, you have no idea what the blacks get up to. Some years ago I came across stories of blacks in Soweto, South Africa having sex with dogs. In this story, Police in Zimbabwe are looking for a Gutu man who was caught having sex with his neighbour‘s donkey.
(This was in reference to the US Secretary of Defense): I’ve mentioned this idiot in a video of mine. I did a whole video about how all whites on the planet have been fooled into believing that morons like this are good in positions of power. America is still a white nation with over 50% of the population being white. It is horrific that America’s most senior military General, General Brown is a BLACK, and that the top political position for the military, the above buffoon is black. This is insanity and this is creeping Jewish/Liberal logic. This is VERY BAD. I’ll bet there are 10,000 better WHITE MALES WHO COULD HAVE DONE BOTH JOBS. As for "General Brown" the pilot – he’s a moron, and I’ll bet the planes mostly fly themselves with their advanced computer avionics that was created by White engineers. Let me make it clear that in WW1 and WW2, no Black pilot could have become a fighter ace or even survived in combat because combat in those planes in those days required REAL SKILL. I’m sure they hide the truth about Black Pilots. I’ve heard that a squadron of White American pilots had to fly along to protect Black American pilots in combat. You’ve got low IQ buffoons in super advanced equipment. They are no match for high IQ Whites. This same criticism is valid regarding stupid China. I just published a video yesterday on History Reviewed where a White French Naval Officer on a French Aircraft Carrier had a good laugh at the so-called latest 6th Generation Chinese Stealth aircraft. His comments were very valid. DO NOT BE FOOLED INTO THINKING THAT IN THIS DAY AND AGE THAT BLACKS CAN MATCH OR OUTPERFORM WHITES IN ANY FORM OF COMBAT AT ALL. White Americans protect and care for their stupid Blacks and promote them well beyond their levels and capabilities. These are idiots who have no conception of how things really work. You are completeley oblivious to the genius of White engineers, scientists, technical specialists and software programmers who create the amazing abilities on these modern aircraft and in modern weapons. IT IS VERY BAD THAT WHITE AMERICANS AND OTHER WESTERN WHITES BECOME ACCUSTOMED TO BEING RULED BY LOW IQ FOOLS. THE SAME IS TRUE FOR WHITES HERE IN AFRICA. JUST BECAUSE BUFFOONS RULE US AND WE ARE STILL ALIVE DOES NOT MEAN THE BUFFOONS KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING. WHAT YOU DO NOT KNOW ABOUT IS THE STUFF THAT GOES ON BEHIND THE SCENES. There is a lot more smoke and mirrors and "Western Magic" going on in the world than you realise. The other day I published the story about Macron and how France and America saved the worthless ungrateful Blacks of West Africa from MUSLIM CONQUEST IN THE LAST 30 YEARS. WHITE MEN INCLUDING WHITE SOUTH AFRICAN MERCENARIES WERE KILLING ALL THE MUSLIM TERRORISTS. The Blacks are outraged that Macron pointed this out. The West needs to stop molly coddling Blacks. All Black success is either Jewish Magic or Soft White/Western magic – If Whites were to pull the plug on Blacks they would all soon be living in HUTS!
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