American Lady writes to me: Trump is White & far better than disgusting, demented paedophile pervert Joe Biden with skank whore Kamala Harris VP


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Video & Audio: How one Jewish woman invented an entire Holocaust
This is a very different kind of Jewish holocaust. And it has a very weird physics problem which nobody seems to have noticed. This is reputed to be the first Jewish holocaust of WW2.

[This is one of my regular supporters. I don't think Trump is actually Jewish, though there are claims for that. There are people close to Trump who said Trump was mystified by why his daughter Ivanka married the Jewish bag of shit Kushner. Though Trump is surrounded by Jews, I think that Trump is enough of his own man, and thus seen as a kind of a "loose cannon" that the Jews themselves struggle to control. I think one of their fears of Trump is that he has a mind of his own and he's hard to control even when he's close to Jews. But the much bigger fear of Jews is the way that Trump NATURALLY DRAWS WHITES. Trump is a NATURAL LEADER FOR WHITE AMERICANS and they flock to him. I think this scares Jews shitless. So that's my assessment of Trump and Jews. Just get Trump in for another 4 years. It buys us time. Trump to his credit is the only person in the US elite establishment that in any way tries to stand firm on something. He's cunning, and I think that scares the Jews and elite who know him. Let him do his thing. He's a thorn in their side. The danger is the shitbag Jew Kushner who might later undermine what Trump did. But just buy some time for us. Let Trump do another 4 years. I took special interest in the statements about the Jewish skank whore Harris as VP. I'm glad White Americans are getting ready to puke. That's where Jews take you. Jan]

This is what my supporter wrote:

Jan, you are absolutely correct. Now mind you, I’m not under any delusions Trump is his own man and actually free & clear to run the country as he may have been able to 200 years ago, perhaps. However, that being said, aesthetics/appearances STILL MEAN SOMETHING, you better believe it, especially in the totally JEWWED the F up U.S., and even if Trump can’t deliver on his promises, he is still a white man (who may or may not be a Jew or a part Jew, I honestly haven’t decided on that one though I’ve read enough to get my head spinning) – for argument sake, we will say for now Trump is white and hopefully not a Jew – either way he is better than that disgusting and demented pedophile pervert Joe Biden. It’s a source of embarrassment for the state of Delaware, which is where I happen to live!

In being totally honest ALSO, the thought of that light-skinned mystery meat Indian Jamaican STUPID and terrible actress skank whore Kamala Harris being a Vice President is more than any decent white American can bear the thought of. I am a very traditional woman and do not believe that any woman belongs in positions of major power – it just isn’t right and in so many cases has caused nothing but damage and disaster. She was a silver spoon BRAT who grew up in total privilege but a total dipshit and not at all intelligent or sharp, plus zero personality and awful speaking skills – and of course she hates white people even though many blacks in the U.S. DO NOT EVEN CONSIDER HER BLACK! So this woman simply cannot be a part of the picture. Plus they keep saying they’ll get rid of Biden and this whore will be President – I won’t entertain that thought and every time I hear people complaining and worrying that Biden will win I tell them to knock that shit off and stop feeding it energy!!!

TRUMP WILL WIN, I don’t doubt it for a second!!

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Get a Free PDF Book: Did Six Million Jews really die in WW2?
This is a classic pamphlet that was written decades ago. This was one of the first serious attempts to question the Jewish holocaust claims of WW2. The German Ernst Zundel went to jail for printing this small book in Canada! Zundel did not write this. This was written by someone in Europe. The original questioning of the Jewish holocaust began in Europe. It was a French professor who had been in a Concentration Camp during WW2 who realised that Jews were making claims that were not true. That is how people slowly began to question the Jewish holocaust story.

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