Video & Audio: Multiracial Diversity propaganda in American and British Pop Music & the White Zulu

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Who was the “White Zulu” of South African Pop music during Apartheid? The answer might shock you.

In this video I look at pop music that hit the big time, and the various messages in pop music aimed at “Diversity” and making Whites in Britain and America accept and look forward to a Multiracial society.

I also pose the question as to whether the changes in pop music over the decades were normal or whether it was quietly being manipulated by Jews. What would pop music and society really have been like if Whites were left to make their own choices?

This video was recorded on: 2023-05-28.

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(1990) Bishop Tutu: NAZI slaughter of Jews was better than Apartheid
Black Christians in South Africa are no friends of the Whites. These disgusting people have turned on the Whites many time. Here is Tutu lying and pretending that Apartheid was WORSE than the (mythical) Jewish Holocaust (which never happened).

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