S.Africa: A Lazy country … gets LAZIER…


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S.Africa: Black man tries to have sex with dead cat
Sterkfontein is a mental hospital. But it is full. They wanted to put this 18 Year old Black in there ...

The Black Jewish President of South Africa, Ramaphosa has added another bunk public holiday to the list. 1st November – will be a public holiday for local elections. I don’t even want to know, nor am interested, in the junk reasons for this crap.

What I know is that this country already has too many public holidays.

Germany has only 9 public holidays that are observed throughout the country.
America only has 10.

South Africa will now have 15!

PLUS, what South Africa has, that NOBODY ELSE HAS I’M SURE … is that if a public holiday falls on a weekend, then you get the monday off. Quote: "The public holidays act act no 36 of 1994 pdf determines whenever any public holiday falls on a sunday the monday following on it shall be a public holiday."

So whereas Americans and Germans would lose at least 1 public holiday because it falls on a Sunday, so effectively they’d have 8 and 9 actual working days off, this is not the case with South Africa. We WILL have all 15 days off each year.

This is a LAZY COUNTRY with a determination NOT TO WORK!!!

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S.Africa: Black Man arrested for sex with donkey
A 34-year-old man ... busy with donkey love...

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